About Peaceful Paws

Helen, a vet of 18+ years, has lived in the southwest since 2006, working with all creatures great and small. At a young age, she became inspired to help animals and followed in James Herriot’s footsteps, attending Glasgow University.

Helen quickly realised the joy of her job was found in enabling and enhancing the bond between people and their pets. Families' relationship with their ‘heart pet’ is as varied as the number of breeds in existence. The common thread, however: ‘always to want what is best’.

Helen recognises that the needs of every family are different and tailors her care in a bespoke way; incorporating her own family's values and mindfulness.

Knowledge gained through loving and parenting her own children and pets has enhanced the compassion, empathy, and genuine understanding that she uses in her work. She has years of experience tailoring treatment to her patient's needs; the patient being the whole ‘family unit’. Her peaceful energy is dedicated to making difficult times kinder for everyone involved; especially children and the elderly.

Providing ‘heart pets’ with compassionate end-of-life care, at home, provides dignity and relief. Respecting the needs of families to have this moment in familiar comfort, motivates Helen to provide this service. A way to say goodbye, peacefully and gently, surrounded by loving family and four-legged friends.

Compassionate euthanasia is the toughest but often most selfless choice for families. Helen is here to support and guide you to decide when the time is right. She is an advocate for both your choice and your pet's needs. Her sole aim is for you all to find your peace at this most difficult of times; she is here to help when you need it most.

Dr Helen Jones | Peaceful Paws

Dr. V. Helen. Jones BVMS MRCVS